14.239 Homebuying, HomeownershipHome Investment Partnerships Program -
To expand the supply of affordable housing, particularly rental housing, for low and very low income Americans; to strengthen the abilities of State and local governments to design and implement strategies for achieving adequate supplies of decent, affordable housing; and to extend and strengthen partnerships among all levels of government and the private sector, including for-profit and nonprofit organizations, in the production and operation of affordable housing.
14.241 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDSDepartment of Housing and Urban - DevelopmentTo provide States and localities with the resources and incentives to advance the National HIV/AIDS Strategy by devising long-term comprehensive strategies for meeting the supportive housing needs of low-income persons and their families living with HIV/AIDS in order to prevent homeless and sustain housing stability for HOPWA program beneficiaries.
10.42 Rural Self-Help Housing Technical AssistanceDepartment of Agriculture - To provide Self-Help Technical Assistance Grants to provide financial assistance to qualified nonprofit organizations and public bodies that will aid needy very low and low-income individuals and their families to build homes in rural areas by the self help method. Any State, political subdivision, private or public nonprofit corporation is eligible to apply. Section 523 Grants are used to pay salaries, rent, and office expenses of the nonprofit organization. Pre-development grants up to $10,000 may be available to qualified organizations.