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Welcome to the Federal Funds Management Area, a program of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget. We seek to strenghten the Commonwealth's capacity to access and manage federal funds in order to advance the goals of the federal and local governments and foster our economic and social development.​

Grant Management Support ​:

El Área de Gerencia de Fondos Federales de la OGP, la Junta de Planificación, el Instituto de Estadísticas y la OCAM se encuentran desarrollando una herramienta para facilitar el acceso a la información que necesitan los municipios a la hora de preparar propuestas federales. Este cuestionario tiene el objetivo de identificar áreas de interés y necesidades de los municipios relacionadas con la búsqueda y preparación de propuestas federales.


SAN JUAN- El pasado 27 de marzo, el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico radicó una propuesta al Gobierno Federal a través de la Oficina del Comisionado de Asuntos Municipales (OCAM), y un equipo compuesto por el Departamento de la Vivienda, el Departamento de Recursos Naturales, la Junta de Planificación, y otras 27 entidades gubernamentales, sin fines de lucro y privadas, como primer paso para competir por fondos del National Disaster Resilience Competition (NDRC).


USA Spending's snapshot of grant dollars awarded in the current Federal Fiscal Year to public and private entities in Puerto Rico​. 

The OMB Federal Funds Management Area mission is to provide
support and strengthen the Commonwealth’s capacity to identify,​​​ access and manage federal grants. This tool was developed for the use of all municipalities in coordination with the Institute of Statistics, the Planning Board and the Office of the Commissioner for Municipal Affairs with the objective of increasing and facilitating access to federal grant opportunities. It’s intended to help local governments interested in alternative funding sources to increase revenue, decrease administrative burden and improve outcomes. The tool can assist Municipalities in:  

Strenghtening our capacity to ACCESS federal funds.​
More information
Resources  for   Grantwriting

Data available from various public entities, ranging from macroeconomic activity to information for specific sectors.
Federal Funds Management Office Initiative
  • ​Identifying how much grant funding is out there for local governments
  • Understanding federal program objectives, restrictions and other requirements
  • Becoming familiar with the federal agency providing the funds
  • Accessing statistical data required for the proposal development or program application
Municipality tool
         To access the Municipal Tool, please click here​. 
Strenghtening our capacity to MANAGE Federal Funds.
More Information
Rules   and   Tools

Grant guidance available to help recipients  manage and comply with the rules applicable throughout the lifecycle of a grant.​
State and Industry Tools


Training Resoursces 
 From Pre-Award to Close-Out, a wide array of personnel must be prepared to intervene and be accountable for the management of program dollars and program outcomes. Training is readily available from federal, state and industry sources, ranging from general to program-specific topics.
more information


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Training Resources

From Pre-Award to Close-Out, a wide array of personnel must be prepared to intervene and be accountable for the management of program dollars and program outcomes. Training is readily available from federal, state and industry sources, ranging from general to program-specific topics.

     General Topics                Program Specific           Training Libraries          Auditing

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